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If Apple Can Lose $10 Billion, I Should Be Able to Lose a Few Thousands Dollars Myself

This week, Apple announced they were shutting down their self-driving car project, which they've been working on since 2014. According to the NYTimes, Apple spent $10 billion trying to make their self-driving car dreams a reality. 

I believe this is an important story that people who are afraid to invest, start their own company, or take some bold step forward should pay attention to because it shows us that if one of the richest companies in the world, with the best engineers, technologists, and executives can lose $10 billion chasing their dreams, then we, the everyday person, should not feel embarrassed when we pursue our dreams, and things do not work out exactly as planned.

The top companies in the world are showing us each day that zigging instead of zagging is part of the process. For example:

Google, a trillion dollar company with mountain high resources, recently paused their AI image generation feature because it produced images some people felt were offensive.

Intel, one of the top 3 semiconductor manufacturers in the world, originally planned to open their Ohio factory in 2025, but the factory will now open in 2026. A year behind schedule.

Intel also tried to buy the chip maker, Tower Semiconductor, but the deal fell apart, and Intel had to pay Tower a $353 million penalty fee.

TSMC, the # 1 semiconductor manufacturer in the world, planned to open their Arizona factory in 2026, but now it is supposed to open in 2027 - 2028. 1 to 2 years behind schedule.

NVIDIA, a sophisticated company making the best graphic processors in the world, tried to buy ARM in 2022, but the deal fell apart, and NVIDIA had to pay ARM a $1.25 billion penalty fee.

These are just a few examples of things not working out as planned at the most sophisticated, well funded companies in the world. We could also add to our list the plethora of billion dollar hedge funds that close down each year, the billion dollar startup companies that go bust every month, and the media platforms that hemorrhage cash every day.

False Narratives Create Real Barriers

Based on the conversations that I’ve had with people from different backgrounds about pursuing their dreams, I notice people have a common, but palpable fear of publicly getting things wrong, losing money, and looking foolish. But we need to ask ourselves- so what? What if we do get things wrong, lose money, and look foolish. If we prayed about the situation, had wise godly counsel around us, and tried our best, how can we be faulted? Apple, Google, Intel, TSMC, and NVIDIA have way more resources than us, and they're getting it wrong and losing BILLIONS in the process.

When we map out our journey, we need to include the realistic probability that we will end up at times on unknown, winding, bumpy roads.

In the Bible, Joseph was shown in a dream that he would one day become a ruler, and people would bow down to him. The dream did not show Joseph that he was going to be put in prison on false rape charges for 13 years, and after serving his time then he would become a powerful ruler.


"Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!"

1 Corinthians 13:9 NLT


Support System

In addition to understanding the realities of the journey to success for ourselves, it is also important that we don't beat anyone up who tries something that does not work out as planned. Instead of demeaning them verbally, or in our thoughts, we should encourage them to regroup, rejuvenate, and return to the battlefield. This is the encouragement our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends need when they're trying to make something out of nothing.

Learn the Lessons

I refrained from using the words "fail" or "failure" throughout this piece because these words convey finality. Like there is no chance of recovery. But that is often not the case. Although Apple's dream of creating a driverless car did not come to fruition, in the process of trying to make the car, they developed some new technologies that will be used to improve their other products. The other companies mentioned above are also moving full steam ahead.

Remember, just because we left school does not mean we are done paying for our education. We should count any setbacks we experience on the road to success as our tuition fee.

So go ahead. Write your book. Film your movie. Start your company. Shoot your shot.

If it doesn't work out as planned, find comfort in knowing that you didn't lose $10 billion over the span of 10 years like Apple. You'll recover. Just like Apple recovered, and is moving on to their next project, AI.

Supplemental Facts

Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, shooting percentage is 49.7%.

Interpretation: He missed 50.3% of his shots and is still considered the greatest.

Stephen Curry, the greatest 3-point shooter of all time, shooting percentage is 42.6%.

Interpretation: He missed 57.4% of his shots and is still considered the greatest.

Warren Buffett, the greatest investor of all time, made money in 48 out of his reported 59 years.

Interpretation: He lost money ~19% of the time and is still considered the greatest.


We should never find ourselves stranded in a fantasy world where things need to be perfect before we start something, and if things do go wrong, we consider ourselves utter failures. We need to stick to reality. The reality these top companies, athletes, and investors are showing us every day. Perfection is not the key to success, and losses can lead to some of our most valuable lessons in life. We cannot fail if we continue moving forward.

Stay strong, stay blessed, and God willing, I will see you next week.


I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Philippians 3:12-14 NLT



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