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Intel Has So Much Potential- Look Carefully At Their Latest Financial Report And You Will See - Weekly Insight #71

Intel released their 1st quarter 2024 results last week, and I like what I'm seeing. Everything is not perfect, and that's understandable because the CEO, Pat Gelsinger, is not the Christ. He's doing what he can, but things take time, and while there's room for improvement, the company has crazy potential.

I wouldn't be surprised if the company turned into another GameStop. I owned GameStop for 1.5 years before it shot up, and prior to the mania, the media and investors treated the company like it was 10 day roadkill. The way people discuss Intel gives me the GameStop before the explosion vibe. I remember looking at GameStop's financial report every quarter and saying, "This company is DIRT CHEAP."

Intel is in the same boat. The stock price is miles away from reality. Like I mentioned last week, there is no way Intel would sell for anywhere close to $30 per share or $128 billion in a private market deal. The company has too many assets, importance, and potential to sell for $128 billion. Actually, if we subtract Mobileye and the IMS business, which is 22% of Intel's market value, the market is saying Intel is only worth $99 billion.

The stock market offers opportunities that are almost impossible to get in private market transactions. Take advantage of Intel's low price while you have time.

Time is a resource investors can use to their advantage. By having a longer time horizon than the stock market, investors can scoop up deals that are impossible to find in the private market.

Below is a copy of their latest financial statement with my comments. I also attached the transcript of their earnings call. The transcript is from Seeking Alpha.

Please review and let me know if you have any comments. You can email me at

Stay strong, stay blessed, and God willing, I will see you next week.


Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Psalm 27:14 NLT



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