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Life Will Still Be Hard With AI Technology- Weekly Insight #74

Although AI technology is a game changer, it's a mistake to think that it will give people a long-term competitive advantage.

Right now, everyone is trying to understand AI's potential, so cool videos and impressive ChatGPT responses are enough to blow our minds away, but once Grandma Betty and Little Timmy learn how to text prompt and generate Hollywood-level videos, it will be hard for creators relying on AI to stand out.

This week I watched some short films made with AI, and I was surprised to see how fast the technology was moving. It became clear to me that AI will save people time and money and, if leveraged properly, open locked doors. But after watching a few videos, my level of amazement started to wane. The videos looked great, but there was no story behind them. The photorealistic images looked amazing, but the narration was bland. The editing was good, but the dystopian future theme felt unimaginative.

This is not a knock on anyone creating these videos. In fact, these creators should be applauded because they're pioneers. They're showing us the potential of AI and sparking our imagination in the process, which is the only bar they need to climb right now. I'm only saying that AI's novelty will soon wear off, and any advantage people gain from using it will decline.

The Past Bleeds Into the Future

How many people in America have a competitive advantage because they have a car, computer, or Iphone? Almost everyone has these devices, but only the people who use them in creative and impactful ways have an edge in their field.

I believe it will be the same with AI. The creators showcasing the technology's potential will get their 15 minutes of fame, but only those who know how to combine AI with great stories and execution will enjoy long-term success.

The opportunity with AI reminds me of the NBA, where everyone can run, shoot, jump, and dribble. Since these are common traits in the league, success is not determined by players physical attributes. It comes down to their mentals. Lebron James is considered a great player because of his basketball IQ. This is what separates him from the pack. His gift that cannot be replicated.

So, while we celebrate the advent of AI, we should understand that the road ahead will still be hard, and consistency, creativity, and trust in God will remain the keys to success in the new world.

Email me if you feel different:

Stay strong, stay blessed, and God willing, I will see you next week.


What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again.

Ecclesiastes 3:15 NLT



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